Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

God's work. Our Hands.


Slide Show

Hands Coming Together

Address information and prayer requests

Here's the 411

Physical Address 150 Lewis Ct., Cave Junction OR 97523
Mailing Address P.O. Box 566, Cave Junction OR 97523
Phone 541-592-2290 or 541-507-7458

Virtual Prayer Closet - Current Prayer Requests

Prayer requests are posted here. If you prefer not to have the request posted, but wish us to pray for you privately, please note that in your request. Our goal, first and foremost, is to always protect your privacy.

Prayer Request Form

If you would like to have the members of our congregation pray for you, your family, or special needs and requests, please fill out the form below:

Support this Ministry

For information on supporting our ministries through donations or voluteering your time, please complete the form below.